1910 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
Digital forensics course
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Digital forensics course

Digital forensics course

Why this course?

To understand basic digital forensics and techniques for performing a forensic examination on various digital devices.

  To understand how to examine digital evidence such as data acquisition and identification analysis

 the first unit :

 Fundamentals of computer forensics, benefits of computer forensics, computer crime, computer forensic evidence, courts, legal concerns, and special cases

 second unit:

 Understand computer investigations - conduct high-tech corporate investigations, understand workstation and data recovery software, and conduct investigations.

 Third unit:

 Data Acquisition - Understand storage formats and digital evidence, determine the best acquisition method, acquisition tools, data acquisition validation, perform RAID data acquisitions, remote network acquisition tools, and other forensic acquisition tools.

 Fourth unit:

 Handling crimes and accident scenes, securing a computer incident or crime, seizing digital evidence at the scene, storing digital evidence, obtaining digital hashes, and reviewing the case.

 Unit Five:

 Existing computer forensics tools - software, physical tools, forensic software validation and testing, handling of data masking techniques, remote acquisitions, email investigations - investigating email crimes and breaches, understanding email servers, forensic tool  of e-mail.

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